CHO-K1稳定细胞株构建 CHO-K1稳定细胞株构建


  • 高表达量
  • 经验丰富
  • CHO-K1细胞株亚授权



百英可以提供直接用于CMC大规模生产的稳定细胞株开发服务,我们的CHO K1细胞株来源清晰,表达量高,来源ECACC,可以全球亚授权。

CHO-K1稳定细胞株构建 Overview



  • 抗体表达量>5g/L
  • 工艺完善
  • 细胞池周期2-2.5个月,单克隆4个月


  • 10年以上细胞株开发经验
  • 上百个细胞株项目开发
  • 根据需求,量身定做构建方案

CHO K1细胞株亚授权

  • 商业化亚授权
  • 根据项目授权
  • 一次性授权


服务步骤 服务详情 周期 交付物
  • 密码子优化和基因合成
  • 亚克隆到表达质粒
  • 质粒验证、大量抽提及表达纯化
  • 分子克隆及表达载体报告
  • 表达载体构建报告
  • 表达载体测序报告
  • 稳定转染
  • 细胞池筛选
  • 转染载体Minipool报告
  • 亚克隆筛选报告
  • 亚克隆
  • 单克隆筛选
Primary Cell Bank收集
  • Primary Cell Bank (PCB) 准备
  • PCB稳定性鉴定
  • 候选克隆稳定性传代培养报告
  • 稳定细胞株测序报告
  • 支原体检测报告
  • 关键材料COA(细胞株构建过程中用到的试剂耗材的COA)
  • CHO-K1细胞株报告
  • CHO-K1细胞亚授权协议
  • CHO-K1细胞株文件和检测报告
  • CHO-K1细胞亚授权协议


  • 案例1: Tag free vaccine protein
    Single cell image system is applied to confirm the monoclonality. The yield of the final obtained clone A is 2.31 g/L.
    Day 0
    Day 0
    Day 1
    Day 1
    Day 2
    Day 2
    Day 4
    Day 4
    Day 7
    Day 7
    Day 10
    Day 10
    The stability of clone A is also tested by assessing the doubling time of the cells, cell density and yield.
    Stability Studies
    Subcultured in CD04 medium containing 25 uM MSX the doubling time:22 ± 1hours (Average: 22.6h)
    Feed batch
    Cells from passages 3, 8, 13, 18, and 23 were collected, and the cell density was assessed. The results indicated a consistent level of cell growth.
    Doubling Time of N108-54
    Cells from passages 3, 8, 13, 18, and 23 were collected, and the yield was assessed. The results indicated that over 90% productivity titer was retained for over 22 passages.
  • 案例2: Anti-PD-1
    Three single clones were selected, and their yield was assessed using three different commercial media. The results are as follows:
    Subclone Medium A (g/L) Medium B (g/L) Medium C (g/L)
    414203-N42-6-N1 3.19 5.5 2.63
    414203-N42-7-N1 6.48 2.78 1.9
    414209-N10-6-N1 7.82 9.02 7.72
    Both reducing and non-reducing CE-SDS analyses were performed to assess the purity of these three clones after one step of affinity purification. The results indicated >97% purity.
    Sample Name main peak % LMW % Total %
    Positive control (Pembrolizumab) 99.1 0.9 100.0
    B414203-N42-6-N1 98.8 1.3 100.0
    B414203-N42-7-N1 98.5 1.5 100.0
    B414209-N10-6-N1 97.8 2.2 100.0
    Sample Name main peak % LMW % HMW % Total %
    Positive control (Pembrolizumab) 98.3 1.7 0.0 100.0
    B414203-N42-6-N1 94.6 5.4 0.0 100.0
    B414203-N42-7-N1 94.1 5.9 0.0 100.0
    B414209-N10-6-N1 93.3 6.4 0.3 100.0
    CEX-HPLC analyses were performed to assess the charge of these three clones. The results indicated a similar main component% compared to the positive control for the first two clones. Additionally, the first clone (B414203-N42-6-N1) shows the most similar basic component%.
    Sample Name Acidic component % Main component % Basic component % Total %
    Positive control (Pembrolizumab) 19.5 64.1 16.4 100.0
    B414203-N42-6-N1 16.0 69.7 14.3 100.0
    B414203-N42-7-N1 17.4 69.2 13.4 100.0
    B414209-N10-6-N1 18.1 44.6 37.3 100.0
    Currently, we have sublicensed the CHOK1BN® cell line to dozens of customers, and the status of some customers' projects is as follows:
    Customer Type CLD PD Pilot Nonclinical IND Phase I Phase II
    1 Customer A ADC
    2 Customer G R-vaccines
    3 Customer H Mab
    4 Customer B Mab
    5 Customer C Fab
    6 Customer J R-vaccines
    7 Customer F R-glycoprotein
Jing Cheng


  • 什么是CHO-K1细胞?

    中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(Chinese hamster ovary,CHO)。自1958年Puke实验室将此连续传代细胞进行重新克隆后,建立了我们现在所用的CHO细胞最原始细胞系。随着时间的沉淀和历史的选择,以及对原始CHO细胞系的不同的培养、改造后,现已出现多种生长、表达、代谢以及基因组等具有差异的细胞系。 1

  • 为什么选择CHO细胞?

    之所以CHO细胞被选择,除了具有和人类似地翻译后的修饰,还能够在无血清及化学限定培养基悬浮培养中以高密度生长;具有产物胞外分泌功能,并且很少分泌自身的内源蛋白,便于下游产物分离纯化,并且在延长的发酵周期中维持高水平的蛋白质表达。 2

  • 为什么CHO细胞常用于治疗抗体药物生产?

    现阶段用于生产治疗性抗体(Abs)的宿主细胞往往是哺乳动物细胞,主要包括:Sp2/0 骨髓瘤细胞、NS0 小鼠骨髓瘤细胞、HEK293人胚胎肾细胞和中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(Chinese hamster ovary,CHO),其中CHO细胞已然成为需要复杂翻译后修饰的治疗性抗体首选制造细胞,占比超过70%。例如,曲妥珠单抗是一种由CHO细胞表达的治疗性抗体,对人表皮生长因子受体2 (HER2)具有特异性。


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